Saturday, January 10, 2004

Congratulations! You're Haldir!
Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
haha..yess...i recently had a quiz taking obsession!!..but anyway, dex cudnt go for movies like wiv jesh n jesh was mean to him , and we started asking other pple to come..jesh called xuan, hu din get to meet us, and was planning to give him a heart attack when he sees me..dunno how an 8yr old GIRL[me] can scare the shit outta a 9yr ols BOY[hong xuan], and make it last till present day!haha..such a loser tt hx..then we ate mickey d's!! yummyy..and gave some fries to kind the us are.haha!!
then the drama auditions at church.and the monologue went smth like-
a:im so bored
b:y did we hav to go tp the park, we hav been here a million gazillion times already!
a: it was ur idea..[blahblahcantremember]
b:oi, xcuse me mr/ms fussy, i always ask u where u wanna go, and u hav no idea, then when we get ther, u are full of complaints!
a:yeahyeah..(picks at nails)hey, i feel like having icecream.can u go to the mama shop and get me some?i want the strawberry flavoured cornetto one!
b:am i ur servant?go get it urself!! went smth like so sick of it..every1 had the same script.n we watched it abt..10 times?and then we had to do an impromtu advertising thing..lipstick, cosmetic brush, chair, whiteboard duster, make up pouch-like thing..hahaz..i got to do the cosmetic brush!!not only is it so shiny tt u can see ur reflection innit, u can use it to apply blush, AND hav a quick gro plant ready in ur hand bag for decoration when needed!!compact and small!get urs NOWWW!!!
how corny can it get?haha..wesley was made a girl by clement!!he called wes MISS fussy!!!haha..and then we teased wes abt tt for like, the rest if the audition..hehez..
then later i went to the movies wiv jeshhh!!and mikey came along!he treated us too..paycheck!it is a watchable movie..haha.not too bad..i make a bad movie critic dont i?but i was petrified tt i would see my sch wuda been too weird..*shudders* and they hang arnd cine!!which is bad coz i WAS at cine!!and gorgor got a new sling bag ther b4 i came and then jesh came..hahahaz..and on the lift up b4 i foung mike, ther were these 3 pple on the lift, 2 girls and their little bro..and coz the lil bro bumped me, he big sis was like, hey, dont hump her!and then i laughed and said she was evil to him..and she was like, tts okay!he's my son! and i gave her a skeptical look, then she laughed and said she was kidding..i think they were from the american sch.hrm..but i saw them agin later and we said hi..
i caught a ride wiv mike when we were to go home..jesh left earlier..she had to choose bras wiv her mom..but not b4 we took neos!which turned out horrible!and poor keng had to study for math, physics, bio, chem and chinese tests..oh well..he wudnt believe me when i told him tt he only needed to study for chinese.and then he said tt we were on diff frequencies coz for him cheena was the thing he DIN hav to study for..oh well..actually, i usually din study for cheena too.juz collaberated wiv jesh and then mai tou ku du before the test..and i PASS.ha!so ther keng!! but anywayyyy..i juz found out for the billionth time tt hotels r the best place to get a cab!!unforunatly the cab driver thot tt i was mikey's gf..but he's my GOR.not my BF.geez..every1 is being like big in adriel..hahaz