Friday, January 16, 2004

My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
yesyes!!im into the quiz thing again!!hahaz..and im so energetiv nowww~stupid tennis..not tiring @ now im pumped up with energy.then i had to go tuition.and i left while finishing a debate abt quantum physics. which i havnt learnt yet.whoops.hahaz..but then my mom was i had to like, stand ther waiting fot 25mins..mommm..ur 25 minuted too late!!haha like tt michael learns to rock song..and summor got weird pple staring at me.some guy walks past.stares.some old men walk past.more stares.i hastily call gorgor managed to kill abt 10 mins.then he had to go.for dinner.damn.then i called biggorgor.and he's got a fren on the other line and is playing sg.with i was like, ikeyyy!!u play sg nv talk to mee!!hahaz..but then still got weird guys walking arnd and staring.weirdest are the construction workers..go in a group and split up arnd you when walking by.*shudder*..then i tried to call was conveniently guy is always doing some form of wonder so fit..hahaz..frisbee..why do u get to play FRISBEE?i wanna play frisbee!!!esp tobii baby!!tt little furball is nuts..hahaz and her new nickname is boiboi.coz she looks like a boy..haha!!not being mean..i always thot she looked like a mom actually wanted her to be called gremlin..hahaz..better than plushy anyway..too uhh..weird.hahaz..
ahhhhh...jesh is goingggg awayyyy...hope she fits in gr8 at her new sch..still all girls..dont turn les!!haha