Sunday, March 21, 2004

danton and darryl SUCKKKK!!!!haha..grace n i beat them 7-nil in a tie breaker game!stupidd was so funny..then they refused to run 5 then i challenged danton and said tt i cud run faster than we raced. i found out tt run juz as fast as him and tts a gd way to get him to run tt lousy, running 1 rnd is nothinng..&when coach hashim offered to juz let them run for 1 min, he walks.wad an idiottt..and anyway..he's supposed to like, b a faster runner than a girl?hahaz..wad an idiottt..
i met mcintyre at millenia walk..hahaz..he must've been so bored one to talk to..and why is his mom paying him $6a n hr to stand arnd?hrm.. him and his batam trip.hahaz...

this is a questionaire i did..
01. Your gender: FEmale

02. Straight/gay/bi?: straight

03. Single?: yes
04. Want to be single?: Depends

05. Your birthday: JULY 10th 1988!!

06. Act your age?: uhhh..guess it depends?

07. Age you wish you were: u noe, im fine with my age..

08. Your height: abt 5'3.or 162cm.i guess it depends.i shrink.i grow.wadz happening?

09. The color of your eyes: brownnn

10. Happy with it?: yeappp.tho it wud b cool to hav violet eyes..freak everyone out..

11. The color of your hair: dark brown/black

12. Happy with it?: yaa.

13. Left/right/ambidextrous?: right

14. Your living arrangement?: wiv my parentsss

15. Your family: ..unless u wanna add in the other pple..2 god bros..1 god jie..blahblahh

16. What's your job?: student

17. Piercings?: 2 on my left ear and one on my right

18. Tattoos?:not permanent ones anyway..

19. Obsessions?: u dun want me to name them..haha

20. Do you speak another language?:english?cheena?a few words of other random languages?

21. Have a favorite quote?:sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me!

22. Do you have a webpage?: yaa..

23. Sports:tennis!!

DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it

01. Do you live in the moment?: yea.i hope.

02. Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: uhh..dependsss

03. Do you have any secrets?: yes no maybee?can u repeat tt qn?

04. Do you hate yourself?: noooooo

05. Do you like your handwriting?: not gd handwriting..

06. Do you have any bad habits?:

07. What is the compliment you get most from people?: umum...?

08. If a movie were made about your life, what would it be called?: the wanda show!

09. What's your biggest fear?: uhuhuh..insects

10. Can you sing: never really tried to..

11. Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: i need to?*egoego..excuse my egooo*

12. Are you a loner?: nah

13. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: duhhh

14. Are you a daredevil?: haha..sureee

15. Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?

16. Are you passive or aggressive?: agressive..u g2 be agressive,be be agressive!!

17. Have you got a question?: yea


19. If you could change one thing about yourself?: uh..slim dwn?lose some of my tan?

20. There are three wells: love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: creativity!!

21. How do you vent?: listen to heavy metal..

22. Do you think you are emotionally strong?: guessoo?

23. Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: sureeee..

24. Do you think life has been good so far?: yeap

25. What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: ermm.i think i dunnoe.

26. What do you like the most about your body?: itz fit!

27. And least?: errr..the fats?

28. Do you think you are good looking?: er..okayy larrrr...

29. Are you confident? yaaa...wayy tooo confident!!

30. What is the fictional character you're most like?: umum.i dunno.

31. Do people know how you feel?: uh..guesso?

32. Are you perceived wrongly?: sometimesss??coz sum pple think in quiet, then others think im real talkative and blahhhh..

wandaywang @ 3/21/2004 06:24:00 PM

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what u need to know, i'll tell u.juz wait.but if u really wanna noe,like sooner,just ask.spares u the agony of the wait

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