Friday, March 19, 2004

the guys from fortifieddd!..i wish i cuda gone to games day.but had to b xactly when i hav tennis training.hahaz..eww..they all look positively weird.esp wesleyy.wes,y u so xtra?hahaz..

okayy.i dunnoe hu tt is, but tts the back of the sec4/5 tier's shirt!

yess.the ever photogenic fortified pple.hahaz..and as usual the guys hav to squish each other..hahaz..wonder huz on the grnd?..heyhey.wher r the pics of the south cell and the scgs cell??and y is keith so xtra as to b wiv the guys from the other cells?hrmm.

okayy..clement, i dunnoe wadda heck u were doing, but hey, in the corner!!finally, sum1 from south cell!graciaa!!!!u go girl!haha..actually, clement and desmond shud pose as ah mah and husband..hahaz..quiteee realistic
..but..i cant believe the sec3's won! damn..