Tuesday, March 02, 2004

haha..hamsterrrr..i forgot the cartoon's name tho..hahaz...
..tattoos look weird when pple r covered with them.like, today aft sch i was waiting fro my mom at the bustop, and sum malay spking guys came to wait for thier bus.which was..uh..bus 14!haahz.i think they were gangsters.they all had the same tattoo on their neck..and they smoked.they thot tt the drawing on my hand was a tattoo.like, dude, itz PURPLE AND BLUE.BRIGHT.y wud it b a TATTOO?the color would fade xia?hahaz..i mean like, it was a korean thingie tt meant stupid.haha..and they thot it was cool..wth..hahaz..and then they asked me where i lived and then said gd bye when they got on their bus..i thot it was a weirdd experience..haha..wadever..dima was ther..she waved bye too..hahaz..then i was stuck with some old men at the bus stop..
anyway.i did this quiz:

Which Royalty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.
hahaz..im a queennnn!!!!! and it says im :
Beautiful, Wise, Strong, Righteous, Commanding, Humble
You are the beautiful and compassionate Queen. You are the epitomy of what every woman should be. You are confident, bold, aggressive, smart, womanly and feminine. You know the right thing to do and do it. You command respect and earn praise. You are moral and loving. In times of trouble, you draw strength from within, and are a source of strength for others.
farniee..im like, wadddd???