Tuesday, March 16, 2004
anyway, today at lunch break they had some bio talk..i went.i think i was the only person not taking bio hu was ther..hahaz..and the only blue shirt tt actually asked any questions..mr lyon was ther..eating some weird colorful stuff.
eating.i eat faster than maya and michelle!haha..they ate sausage buns, i ate kway teow.n i was faster!!hehe.
english was cool..we spent time arguing about doing the practice commentry or the run thru of the play.the play choice was mor popular..so we went downstairs to prac abit first..n i saw michelle! ..the other michelle.michelle toon!and she talked to mrs coskinas and she said tt her dad was sponsering the prize for tt superstar thinggg.uwc idol.wadeverrr.haha..i dun want a panasonic or siemens or wadever tt was hp!haha..
ohh..funfun.josh has 2 wives and 2 sayangs.had.now he has 3 sayangs!funn.im his first female sayang..hahaz..hm..lets take inventory of my 'relations'.
2 gors- mikey and addy
1 jie- renet
1 "gf"- Jesh
1 sayang- josh
..haha..funfun..at least it not as big as sum pple's 'extended fam'..great grand mon and wat not..haha