it rainssss!!wayy too much!! today is letter writing spreee..........!!hahaz..i replied to jesh.then i suddenly wrote to mikey.then i wrote to tessa.then i wrote one more to stella at tuition.gee..las time i used to write all the time.24/7.kept me creatvie and from being too bored in class..hahaz..oh brings back the memoriessss..and geog class!my n lyn used to write to each other even tho we were nxt to each other..hahaz..nv listen to tt geog teacher..and spking of geog, i got 40/50 for the geog test!mr killham was pretty happy with me..i told him tt i used to flunk geog like nobody's business and he looked pretty shocked..haha
let it not rain tomorrowwww.i need it to not rainnnn..i hav tennisss!it is of the utmost imptance tt it dun rain!i hav tt tournament1i need practice..i soo need doomed.
i should do my english essay.yes.i should.
great.itz sooo whacked up.
wandaywang @ 3/08/2004 11:06:00 PM