Friday, June 04, 2004

out again..with renet.went to watch her ex play at tt park nxt to heeren..i dinno tt he played the bass..i thot she said he played the norm type of guit..hahaz..on of his band mates used his mouth to play at one pt of time..dun tt make the strings rust faster?
and i saw tt baby voiced now is classified in my mind as pimple face+girl voiced aaron.hurhur..i managed to drag renet to far east and we sat arnd w/dj at the bk.[ rhymes] his friends bullied him.left him at his table with the 2 of us and crowded together on the next table talking abt him..hahaz! i was surprised when i heard long sing hey juliet..then dj told me tt long keeps using his cd player.then long started singing how u remind me.oh sings them better.but i'll still support long if he realllyyy wants to start a band!hahahaz..

wandaywang @ 6/04/2004 11:44:00 PM

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