Sunday, June 27, 2004
spent the early part of the morn..ergo 1am ish.. arragning the room.i think masking tape is irritating.anw,dan stayed over coz hte guy resources rm was too crowded.and then he had to switch off my hp alarm for me coz it din wake me least i woke up to pick up for morning call tho.hehez.the hp got no effect anymore.
i cant remb.
itz all mushed and mixed.
carwash!!!ttp i din do anyth but watch.hehez..and fin off all the letters.carwashcarwashhhh,ey, shanghai duck, since when am i angelic?but u noe otherwise now any..hahaz!
long goodbyes.yeapz.bye rapist.bye lincon park.bye liying.bye jules.bye eric,bye ken.bye david,bye green,bye tj,bye marcus.bye campersss and pple...and i cant believe edmund trimmed his eyebrows.*laughs aLOTT*
waking at 8am for tuiiton is not good after days of not enuff sleep!!hahaz..and i cant believe i share the same bdae as shanghai duckkk!!
thankz quacky,for getting coach michael yo yak abt no hps on the tennis court!hahaz..but nvm.used to it already!
macs is so sian to do.lobby work.go throw out the garbage at the creepy dumpster place.smells.i need peishan to come with me.or any1.who ever.*shudder*..besides tt i guess itz kinda okay.haiz..and i cant believe i need XS for the shirt..