Thursday, December 02, 2004

1. Your name spelled backwards? adnaw
2. Where were your parents born? dad in shanghai,mom in jarkarta
3. What is the last thing you downloaded? i rednlded sg..does tt count?
4. What is the time now? 1.15am
5. Last time you swam in a pool? long time ago
6.Have you ever been in a school play? yeappp
7. How many kids do you want? for wad?to eat?
8. Type of music you DISLIKE most? draggy whiney songs
9. Are you registered to vote? no
10. Do you have a car? yea..toy car!
**** u like rollar coasters? nah..
12. Ever prank call any1 b4? yea
13. Do u reap what u sow? not quite..i reap wad other ppl sow too..!
15. Are you shy? no!
16. Do you think you're popular? erm.nope.but renet thinkso coz i noe ppl?
17. What's the size of your bed? big enoug to fit me and my soft toys and 2 dogs
18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? which national anthem..the star spangled banner has like,17 verses or smt..i was made to memorize mahjulah singapura..flag raising.
19. Bath or Shower? whichever
20. Best movie you've watch in the past 4 mths? i dont noe..i cant i do!the best bet!but no,i din remb any of the slang.
21. What's the next movie you want to watch? without a paddle..
22. Chips or popcorn? depening..
23. Have you ever broken any1s heart? dun thinksooooo?
24. Have you skipped school? yesss
25. Are you a good cook? if provided a gd sad
26. Orange or Apple juice? apple
27. Who you last went out to dinner with and where did you go to? um..some thai tanglin mall.with parents and dad's friend,uncle james from sfo.
28. fave drink? water..jk
29. Best thing in the world? God!then creativity and imagination.
30. Have you ever broken a bone? no..fracture yeshh
31. Have you ever won a trophy? yea.
32. What is your favorite band? ha.too long a list.busted is one.
33. What is your dream item? flying time machine
34. Do u live with your parents? duh
35. Do you still love your ex? nope.. i nv had an 'x'
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? macs
37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? eyedrops
38. What are you going to do after this? finish research on my eng oral
39.multi-tasking person? yes
39. Who would you like to meet? gengis khan
40. Do you believe in love at first sight? wud b having a crush on someone yea?
41. Whats your favorite song? dont ahve ONE i hav LOTS
42.Where would you go for a romantic evening? to a romantic place!evadevadevade
43. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 9plusss?those tt i usually wear:7
44. Last song stuck in your head? ha.i hav alot.they rotate.and disappear.onlu to reappear.
45. Any pets? 2 fish hiding in the rubble of the tank..hvnt found a companion for it yet
46. Best Local TV show as of the moment? er.there isnt any gd ones.
47. What is one thing you would like to learn to do? play my guitar PROPERLY.
48. What do you do when you are bored? amuse myself.
49. How would you want someone to appreciate you? telling me so and giving me appreciation.if possiblehahahzzz
50. What is the one thing that you are grateful for?THE one thing or ONE thing?i say God!

wandaywang @ 12/02/2004 01:16:00 AM

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