Saturday, December 11, 2004
i saw-a gelding that yawns.alot
i saw- archer fish shoot down crickets
i saw- horned toads eating crickets
i saw and ran away from this deermouse hu warned me from her fawn..hehe
i saw-lazy bum rhinos/lions/apes/coons/lotsofanimals..crocs and alligators included!
i had- a derranged butterfly(eggfly) follow me landed on me, tried to dig out nectar from my bag.they i transferred it to my finger, same sit.and to the other hand.and then when i decided to let it go, it wudnt go.i ran with it.i blew at it.and only till io pick it up, then it flies off.and when it does i bolt away. these 2 tourists told me it chased after me.that wuda been pretty funny if it did..i remb in hunter valley the darned FLIES chased after the bugy!a whole swarm.VERY weird that thing..
yoyo is still at the zoo!the poor horse must be pretty old by the very least my age..and its still a riding pony..ohoh..i found they have horse carriage rides at the zoo now..i wonder if chester worked at sentosa when there were horse carriage rides there?hmm