Saturday, February 26, 2005
tt one basically goes on abt ur love life.first how fast u fall in love, last how fast u fall out of love.then the thing abt getting tt person, it shows hw u handle relationship probs.get others to solve, or do u do it urself? if u choose for tt person to b aslp, it means u wud take him/her as they r, and then the converse for the other option. if the flowers r on the bed, ur more intimate,blah blah, u get the pattern?hahaz.. then rohan gave another one was quite funnyy..hehez.
Friday, February 25, 2005
Nearly three decades after the death of Howard Hughes, the Leonardo DiCaprio movie "The Aviator," has ignited renewed interest in the eccentric billionaire.Here, from Pat H. Broeske, coauthor with Peter Harry Brown of the book, "Howard Hughes: The Untold Story," are 10 fascinating facts about the wacky recluse:
1. Determined to learn about flying, the billionaire anonymously applied for and got a job as a baggage handler with American Airlines for $115 per month.
2. In preparation for a 1938 flight, Hughes had thousands of Ping-Pong balls stuffed in a compartment of his plane because he believed it would keep it afloat in water.During a stop, someone opened the hatch and an avalanche of balls poured out.
3. Bette Davis' husband found out Hughes was having an affair with her and had a private eye make a tape recording of their tryst. Hughes paid $75,000 in hush money.
4. Hughes was obsessed with breasts. He designed a special halfcup bra for Jane Russell during the filming of "The Outlaw" to give the busty starlet a "braless" look. And he instructed drivers to slow to 2 m.p.h. while driving his girlfriends over speed bumps, for fear the sudden jarring could damage the women?s breasts.
5. When dining out, Howard always ordered: steak, potatoes and peas. But he carried a special utensil, which resembled a tiny rake, to remove the littlest peas.
6. Wife Jean Peters decided she couldn't keep a stray cat she took in, so Hughes sent it to an expensive feline hotel where it had a room with a TV. He also had someone write the cat a monthly letter.
7. After learning that he contracted venereal disease from a girlfriend, he ordered all his clothes and bed linens burned in a bonfire at his Los Angeles estate.
8. Hughes and girlfriend Terry Moore liked to exchange alligator mating calls. He played the deep-voiced male, Terry made the female's soft hoot and clicking sound.
9. He became so afraid of germs he wouldn?t let anyone touch the knobs of his TV. Later, he became convinced that the tube emitted germ-filled rays.
10. During his stays at the Desert Inn in Vegas, he made the chef cut each piece of chocolate cake he ordered into an exact square, which he checked with a ruler. If they weren?t square, he sent them back.
met up with desmond and went over to pass joce her bday prez.but she was out..clubbing i bet..i thot des was a girl from far..coz he looked shorter and his shorts were billowing arnd like a skirt..hehez..and i think i need to reassociate with the scgs ppl i dont see too much.i met a grp of ppl i knew when i went to get coke, and i could remb any of their names!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
mark addy n i tried to call mikey..din turn out well..bad reception.n i couldnt find david to remind him abt the copy of exodus!urghh..
the acs tie looks good w/uwc uniform!looks really smart too..haha to quote martina..
when i followed hugh to his phys lecture i wrote physics rocks on the paper b4 i started drawing tt dragon for the lecturer decided to b an ass..hugh got caught by him..din take out his module an d we kept yakking away.and yes.he is starting to blend with the brainers!and yes, i believe if he doesnt start paying attention in class he is so going to repeat jc1..its said a third of the jc1s in acjc repeat..i can imagine whyyy..the fmath class is nuts too!they sing and eat and sms in class.brill..
i think its too bad i said too much during the lit class.for jevan's class.their little gang of 4 did their "presentation" of their sonnet..which i think din quite work.i hav a pic of tt..hope i can put it on the comp tho..too bad i got them more hwk to think abt..hurhur..and pity tt gp teacher is soo thick..
i like the food there!hahaz
aft sch went to hang out w/ town!!how convenient tt she can juz walk home..we cabbed, and dropped hugh at the mrt station along the way..on the way outta the cab i whacked my knee on the reciept printer.i walked arnd town with a bleeding knee tt i din even notice till i got home and showered!hahaz..we say jae and andy and liz and this other cis guy at cine..tho we din watch a movie in the end..we went to taka and i got presents for many, joce and my mom.
then we went to borders..
then we went off home..i had to take a bus.argh that.
Sunday, February 20, 2005
the food is lame.ismail keeps eating too much.and he runs off to smoke after lunch.
wisdom is the application of knowledge.dude, u so not wise.
wife got my name wrong.its two of those triangle things..not juz one circle with tt connecter thing..hahaz..
ahhh..i fin my physics!after 2 days of asking!hahaz..the only ppl tt did get something done were catlin+tessa+stef+judith+daniela minus mark!hahaz..and plusplus for jun! huzzah procrastination!i even got my f math nearly done..gotta print the list..
i think the worldview is realllyyy badly done.seriously,if this happened at superteens,the resources would b in major deep shit..we were soo late.and they were quite indecisive the pictionary game was a FLOP.the ppl in my grp, grp 1, cud see the words tt liqi had on the paper.SO HUGEEE.its extremely hard to tree.juong chair.honestly..those r juz..NOT stuff for pictionary.
we spend too long dwelling on issues tt had already been decided upon.coz the stuff get re-explained a few times,then points re said by ppl..hrmm...the vision paper is gonna b a big problem.
i got a reminder tt i shuda gotten tt econ essay done..josh did it.he studies economics at smu..which reminds me, joel found an emu on the farm..which i think he said he caught..or shot.i hv no clue..hahaz..
i woke up earllly in the morning coz i FROZE.and i din noe wher my bag was,{we moved so much last night la.and i was groggy] or i wuda snatched up my towel to use for an extra blanket!
hehehez..also hand whippy gay ppl.
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Monday, February 14, 2005
extrememly glad =P tt was so sweet!
HaPpY VaLenTiNe'S DaY!!
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Wednesday, February 09, 2005

playing that game.i dunno wot itz called, but i find it weird tt one can b hurt by it.i got cut by amity!hahahaz