Thursday, April 14, 2005
oh well..about 1200 plus!ahha..minus a whole load of shit.i feel tt i should put examples.but i woudl hav to think of them.haiiizzz..
“All of the other Ways of Knowing are controlled by language.” What does this statement mean and do you think it is a fair representation of the relationship between perception, emotion, reason, and language?
The statement “all of the other ways of knowing ate controlled by language.” means that the ways with which one obtains knowledge are controlled by the medium of the person’s language. The verb “controlled” in this statement implies ‘restricted’, for the language manipulates the way we perceive things as the culture that comes with the language influences the meaning of each word. It may even shape the way we see things. For example in German or French, words have genders, and consequently the gender it is classified as influences the meaning of the word. This uncertainty in language thus affects our way of knowing, for a lot of our knowledge is passed to us via other people, and so we obtain the knowledge logically, empirically, through memory or through logic. This knowledge by description has four requirements: firstly, empirical evidence or logic or memory or authority must justify the knowledge, secondly, it must be true, thirdly, it must be believed, and lastly, it can be effectively and accurately communicated. In other words it can be passed on through a language, which might cause the true meaning of the knowledge to be adapted along the way.
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis states that people do not live in the objective world alone, but are very much at the mercy of the language which is the medium of expression of their society. This implies that language is interlinked with culture. And across the globe, cultures differ greatly. Some cultures advocate aggressiveness in going after one’s goals, whereas some cultures might promote a roundabout politeness and less ‘to the point’ directness when one is pursuing a point of view and such issues. Each culture might see an issue in different ways, optimistically, pessimistically, and they may also weight people differently. Certain character traits and gender that is considered good in one culture may not be so important in another culture. Each word or phrase gives a person different impressions in different languages, and this is especially so because each persons’ perception is dependent on many different variables. Not only the social and cultural conditioning, which brings about prejudices and assumptions and leads to false conclusions, alter a person’s perception but past experiences would cause one to predict the outcome of an issue, and if the outcome is not as predicted, the person might even over look it and still think that the outcome was that that was predicted, and not possibly reality. Human biological limitations affects the sensitivity of our senses, and many a time human senses are just not well equipped enough to sense certain things. Such as certain sounds or smells, and even nightlife, for our eyes are not equipped well enough to see clearly in the dark without any infra red goggles or spotlights and such technology, which may even be flawed as well! Spatial familiarity may also cause us to blunder while pursuing an answer- we all what to see the familiar, so if we do not, our brains might even trick themselves into seeing what we want to see instead of what is really there. We might not even notice some things, for we also filter all information that our sensory organs receive. For example, a person sitting on a chair would cease to consciously feel he or she is sitting on the chair after a while. Most importantly, our dependence on language hinders our perception. For language is a means whereby our thoughts and ideas are organized. And if we cannot figure out a way to describe our knowledge, then that may be soon forgotten as it would not be able to be passed down the generations and join the pool of knowledge that humans have obtained.
This brings out another important question: if there was no language, then would it be possible to think? Our mind is capable of creating thoughts and ideas that our own language has no word for, although this may be represented accurately in another language, the idea or thought that exists and it inexpressible had proven to be creatable, this justifies the idea that even thought our language has not produced a term for it, our minds may think it up all the same. Thus is would be possible to think with our language, even though we may not be able to organize our thoughts and share them without the medium of language for transfer. So the question is really confusing the effectiveness of language to communicate about anything rather than whether language controls our ability to think. Animals have their own various languages, and it can be seen that although their language may not contain as wide and complex a vocabulary as ours, they are capable of thought, as can be deduced from our cousins the great apes, or highly intelligent marine mammals such as whales and dolphins. These creatures would have obtained the vast majority of their own knowledge from the other ways of knowing besides by description.
Through Bacon’s idols of the market place, which are meaningless words, double meaning words and jargon, we can explore how these confusions in language also cause disruption in their meanings and thus why expressing arguments in symbolic terms is advantageous. These idols of the market place confuse and blur the meaning of an argument. Such words would be used so generally that they do not seen to mean anything, words with more than one meaning would be used in such a way that the meaning of the word is not specified, and non-universal technical or polysyllabic words maybe used that cause the receiver to not comprehend the message properly. Thus, if one uses symbols to represent the different arguments, without the grammar or vocabulary of the language in use to cause confusion, and apply the use of a logic table to attest the arguments, then the vagueness and ambiguity of language is accounted for and not a hindrance. But of course, the person must be clear on what the argument is in order to understand what is the outcome. These idols also make it hard for a person to express him/herself, for the listener might also misinterpret the meanings, depending on what he wants to hear or what the person classifies each word meaning as. For example, if person A told person B that he was feeling sad, person B would not have a clue how sad person A was unless he had been in a similar situation before and felt empathetic towards person A. Since emotions cannot be measured, and each and every person has had different experiences, then language may not accurately convey the emotion or attitude in an accurate way, thus language is used less as a depiction of emotion, for emotion a reaction to one’s experience. This is the reason why writers tend to used literary devices such as imagery in order to evoke different feelings to their audience through plain man-made words which have no meanings until one learns them.
In conclusion, our language tends to influence our perception of things, and it also controls our mindsets. This makes it influential to our emotions, but it does not dominate our emotions. And as for reason, all language would do is confuse our reasoning with Bacon’s idols. But we must remember than language is merely a tool, and does not affect one’s thoughts though it may case it to be prejudiced at times.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
" A work of art is the artist's way of achieving his self-expression, particularly the expression of feelings."[8] This is a typical view of art. And we have an excellent illustration of the expression an artist in Guernica, where Picasso demonstrate his feelings and emotions about the Spanish civil war in his painting. Some emotions can also be conveyed through music. For example the famous composer Mozart conveyed his unhappy life through music. He showed his frustration of his life through his music. But not everyone are born artist, but they can still some convey their emotions through music, paintings and sculptures. For example, when a depressed person can express his/her feelings through hard rock music. These are obviously ways of knowing for some people in certain situations, which are not dependant on a language. These include the other means of expressing our emotions. For example, " I am really angry"; will I have a happy expression on my face? Facial expression also determines our emotion. An emotion is a strong feeling and each individual react differently some uses body language and other facial expressions. For instance, when I face a discomfit moment I flush and turn as red as a potato. So if we think well there are definitely other means of expression apart language itself we it comes to emotions.
The next way of knowing is logic or reason. There are two types of reasoning inductive and deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning is based "on potentialities not realities.[9] This type of reasoning relies a lot on experiences. For example, if everyone finds that a Maths class is boring; therefore I will get bored in maths class. Such generalizations are being made when we use inductive reasoning and this involves the use of a language. However, the use of language in inductive logic is affected by our perception and culture but also when two languages are translated. For example, in Hopi language the word 'masa'ytaka, means flying, but this includes everything which flies that is helicopters, mosquitoes and birds.[10] Now if an American Indian literally translate, 'All mosquitoes are parasites, from English to Hopi language, then he will imply that birds and helicopters too are parasites if he uses inductive reasoning. This example shows us one limitation of differing language. But sometimes there are
wahahaha..itz in the library trying to do my tok essayyy..itz not really is doing her chinese oral..and i still have to research about the abuse of human rights for catalyst for fri..andd then get the draft of the econ thing edited for submission on friday!!so many..hehe.why so many essays?im tired from was weird for awhile coz my forearm felt weird.really felt jammed..i tried stretching it..din work really..haha..and i stil cant believe harry is in elite.. after tennis did tt body combat thing..but i was so i stopped and went back up to the tennis courts so kepo arnd..haha
Sunday, April 10, 2005
You are |
![]() |
im not done yettt...
Your Seduction Style: The Natural |
![]() You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen. Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people. You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find! People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast. |
talk about being quiz obsessed...
create your own visited countries map
or vertaling Duits Nederlands
i think im missing one.but i cant figure out wot tt damned place was..they had bull fighting.and dad nearly got pulled into the ring..haha
You Belong in the USA |
![]() Sweet! People either love you or hate you And you really don't care what anyone thinks Big and bold, you do things your way |
hehe..wot can i say..
You Are Scary |
![]() You even scare scary people sometimes! |
well..i hav ppl tt can vouch for tt..hehe.
Your Element Is Fire |
![]() Your passion and emotion are as obvious as the brightest flame. You make sparks fly, and your passion always has the potential to burst out. You are exciting and creative - and completely unpredictable. You sometimes exercise control, and sometimes you let yourself go. Friends describe you as sensitive, spirited, and compulsive. Bright and blazing with intensity, you seem mysterious and moody to many. |
You Are a Rottweiler Puppy |
![]() Powerful, smart, and protective. You're eager to growl at anyone you hate - but you're a big sweetheart inside. | fine with tt..grrowl!
You Are 5% Redneck |
![]() I'll slap you so hard, your clothes will be outta style. You ain't no redneck - you're all Yankee! |
i aint no southern redneck!
You Are 45% Normal (Somewhat Normal) |
![]() While some of your behavior is quite normal... Other things you do are downright strange You've got a little of your freak going on But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself |
You Are Bold And Brave |
![]() But daring? Not usually? You tend to like to make calculated risks. So while you may not be base jumping any time soon... You are up for whatever's new and (a little) exciting! | on a spree!
You Should Be a Mental Patient for Halloween! |
![]() |
hm..shoudlnt be hard..hehe
You Are From Jupiter |
![]() You are exuberantly curious - and you love to explore newness. Enthusiastic and optimistic, you get a kick out of stimulating intellectual discussions. Foreign cultures and languages fascinate you. You love the outdoors, animals, and freedom. Chances are you tend to exaggerate, so try to keep a lid on that. If you do, you'll continue to be known for your confidence, generosity, and sense of justice. | a gas how would u see tt, full of bull or stormy??orrr would i fart alot?hahaha...
You Are 18 Years Old |
18 Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
close enough..haha
Saturday, April 09, 2005
kevin is gonna come to uwc!yippeee..then maybe UWC wont die..hrm..
Your Brain is 46.67% Female, 53.33% Male |
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve |
jesh is back!!but i still need sum1 to go with me for that drama thing.gotta help chelz sell tix..hugh doesnt wanna go and wife hasnt replied..
You Are A Fir Tree |
![]() You love anything beautiful, and you have extraordinary taste. And while it's hard for you to trust, you care deeply for those close to you. You are a social butterfly, and you have many friends. You handle stress well - and you are a master at relaxing after a hard day. Overall, you are modest, talented, unselfish, and very reliable. |
a tree.of all things..same as fweddy..haha..same bdae!
You Know You're Addicted to Buffy When... |
You look at pieces of wood, deciding if they would make a good stake You decide that you will only see your boyfriend at night and in the graveyard "A happy slayer is a good slayer" becomes your motto You have the whole collection of Buffy T-shirts But you won't wear them - you want to keep them in mint condition. You've taken up karate and practise your Buffy moves regularly You refuse to go out after dark... just in case You have suddenly taken a liking to tweed You start calling your boyfriend Angel You prefer to watch Buffy alone because other people just "don't get it" You find yourself quoting the show several times a day You go shopping for clothes and only purchase things that have appeared on the show You always say the words "the wacky", "wiggins" and "a happy" All your user names on the internet are "Willow" You start hanging around libraries You love to hack into the coroners office You have either a cross necklace or a Claddaugh ring You decide the graveyard is really cool hangout You look at abandon warehouses in a whole new light You never invite anyone into your house after dark You find yourself in a situation and say "This is something Xander would do" You are secretly in love with your best friend Your licence plates read "Queen C" You think "Too much Buffy? Never!" You name your puppy Willow or Xander You recite Amy's rat-turning spell when in the company of your older brother You demand that people call you Buffy Every time you step out of the shower you say "I seem to be having an extreem case of nudity" You appoint yourself a watcher and choose someone to study/train etc. You stay away from your teacher just incase they turn out to be prey-matis' Your room looks like a shrine, you have Buffy posters as wallpaper, a Buffy bedspread, curtains etc. You won't take cookies or mini pizza's from your Mom's new boyfriend You find a whole new liking for miniture golfing You hear that song "I hope you dance" and think of fighting Faith You cried two hours after the fifth season finale of Buffy was over because she died even though you know she is coming back. You pondered becoming a vengance demon after your last breakup. You own enough Buffy comics and novels to have your bedroom be considered a fire hazard. You won't go out past sunset unless armed to the teeth with stakes, crosses, and holy water. You have crosses nailed over every window and door. You start tracking the local murder rates after a new girl moves into town. You read all the occult books in the school library searching for the Watcher diaries. To you, sexual protection isn't birth control, it's making sure you're partner is human. You practice sticking thumbtacks through houseflies and mosquitos--"Just to be safe." You perform the reverse invitation spell after every visit from some person you haven't recently seen in sunlight. You insist on traveling from class to class via the ceiling. You try to exorcise the possessing hyena spirit when your best friend gets PMS. You cast a gypsy soul curse on the sadistic principal who gave you a suspension. You whittle wooden stakes. You kick doors open. You carry around a stake, just in case. You take long walks in the cemetery at night. You have a strange fear of hospitals. You don't complain about going to church anymore because you remember that your supply of Holy Water is running kind of low. You wear crosses every day and have a vast selection of them. You never verbally invite anyone into your home. You keep all your important information on yellow disks. You avoid fraternity parties. As a rule you don't like to be surprised. Your friends are fearful that if they call during "Buffy Hour" they'll be in for a long lecture the next day. You bookmark the Coroner's Office Web Site as a favorite place. When you hear that there's a new librarian at your school, you slam open the doors of the library and yell; "Okay. What's the sitch?". You can recite a whole Buffy episode(s). You wallpaper your room with pictures of the Buffy cast and complain when there isn't enough space to put them all up. You ask a priest to bless your bottle of Perrier. Just for the hell of it, you enter Moloch into several search engines. You name your doll Miss Edith. You let your bird die of starvation. You paint your nails like Drusilla. When your brother comes back from the zoo, you won't let him in the house. The only way you know how to say the word bitch is 'bitca'. You get your hair cut like Buffy's and your hairdresser keeps remarking that the picture you show her (for your haircut) looks oddly familiar. Whenever you quote Buffy Verse, you laugh hysterically while your friends stare at you like you've grown another ear. You always protest that Buffy is NOT a ditz's name. When watching a new Buffy episode, people gawk at you when you manage to say the actor's lines right before they do. You can't think of a thing to talk about with people who have never watched a Buffy episode. You spend hours on the net looking for new Buffy pictures. You get really really excited whenever you do find any new pictures. You sit on a grave twirling a yo-yo and say: "Come on, rise and shine. Some of us have a ton of trig homework waiting at home." You look for padlocked sewer access systems in mausoleums. You decide to be Buffy for Halloween but your friends don't notice a change. You own everything possible with the words Buffy the Vampire Slayer on them. You get wigged out by mimes and dummies. You have a chest in your room with a fake bottom that contains garlic, stakes, holy water and crosses. You freak whenever you have a substitute biology teacher. You never go out with your boyfriend on the night of the full moon. You avoid supposedly empty warehouses. You have a fear of railroad spikes. You punish your dolls. You get a wheelchair just so that you can be called "Roller Boy". You never have sex with your boyfriend for fear of what might happen to him. You take up tae kwon do, kick boxing, karate, street fighting and gymnastics. You eye your librarian to see if they're trying to tell you that you're the next Slayer. You sleep with a stake under your pillow. You sneak out of your bedroom window at night and hang out at the park because you've heard that several people have died there lately of exsanguination. You're horrified of people who have never even heard of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. You want to kill people who dis the show. You dream of past lives as a Slayer. Whenever you have a dream and you see your friend in it you run up to them the next day and choke them as you shout: "What do you know?". You never sign in someone's yearbook "Have a nice summer!". You don't like to use the word Master. You write Buffy FanFic. You date men whom you meet in dark alleys (but only after kicking them in the head). You bring a fire extinguisher to cheerleading tryouts. You get nominated at school as "Person Most Likely To Be The Next Slayer". You buy knee-high boots. You get five holes pierced in each ear. You're on a first name basis with all the actors of BtVS except that you've never met them. Though they used to appreciate your interest, the actors on BtVs are now scared to death of you. You check people's lockers to make sure they don't have any books such as 'Gray's Anatomy' and 'Mortician Desk Reference'. You read a Buffy transcript at least once a day. You befriend a computer genius and her dorky friend. You file complaints that the substitute biology teacher is harassing you. When asked what your hobbies are you answer; "Slay...slay...slave to the television". As far as you are concerned, Buffy and co. are actual people. You drive to California to look for Sunnydale, you dial operator and ask him where it is, operator says there is no such place and you yell back at him that he's probably in league with some demons to keep you out of Sunnydale. You enroll at Torrance High School. All the actors on the show are shown a picture of you and are told to stay away at all costs. When asked what you'll do when you're older you answer either dead or it's already been 'sealed in fate'. You tape all Buffy episodes, then retape them so they're in chronological order. You buy all the CDs of songs that have ever been on Buffy. You've been to all 1000 or so Buffy sites on the net. You legally change your name to Buffy Anne Summers (or another character from the show). You practically had a nervous breakdown when the series ended. You cannot remember what you did with your life before Buffy. Your motto is 'Life is short' or 'Seize the day'. You never bring your date to the morgue. When buying your Halloween costume you make sure it's something you'd like to be in real life. You always beat up a snitch. You nail crucifixes to your wall. You needed to visit a grief counselor when Tara died. You make sure your parents never come to Parent-Teacher night at school. You watch, mock and laugh at talent shows. When given an egg for parenting in Sex Ed class you boil it or smash it with something heavy. You're frightened of cheerleader wannabes. You avoid saunas, who knows what they put in the steam? You don't let people with long fingernails get too close to your throat. You use a Thesulan Orb as a paperweight. Whenever there's a Sadie Hawkins dance at school you lock yourself in your room. You refuse to buy any candy being sold by the band at school. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Buffy. |
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
today's exams were so irritating.i dunno how else to describe it.i din even get to draw the lipid membrane watchamacall it in the bio exam.byebye extrinsic and intrinsic i drew it during economics.whihc i din do too well in..i need to work on act noeing the theory.what IS the main macro objectives of government?low inflation..low unemployment..and the rest i couldnt quite rmb..hehe..i said stuff abt foriegn investment and no debt and tt balance of payments thing..
stupid david.WHY chicken out and go for the exam?YOUR QUITTING FMATH TOO!!!and mr blythe!urgh..made me sit for the exam anw.i hadnt even signed in yet!!grr..well, that paper wasnt so bad.juz tt if i had studies grpah theory.or even studied at all, i woulda had a decent pass..hehehe..
Monday, April 04, 2005
Sunday, April 03, 2005
i din noe insane aquarium could be played on a palm pilot!hehe..weiwen is gooddd..he lends me his to play games on..there r sooo many games!!!hehe..kieth is evil.i wanna play jawbreaker on his, but nooo,does he hand it over? could u even juz sit and listen to pastor gerald..he uses old jokes.he is BORING.
manatee is joining tcc!yayy..hehe..and i stil cant figure how they split the cells.coz like, since uwc is nxt to acjc, how the heck is the area different?soo strange.weird thinkingg...
goodd..more ppl to take the bus with the team includes nash and his bro.huz name i cant spell.issit indren or smth?hahaz..
Friday, April 01, 2005
i dont like holidays like this.coz it isnt a holiday.what a cheat.