Friday, January 30, 2004
today is alaric's bdae!!! HaPpY BiRtHdaY ally!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
happyyy birthdayyyy keng....ur 16!!
u noe, i'd say sweet sixteen, but i think tts mor for girls.hehez..
Monday, January 26, 2004
Saturday, January 24, 2004 went to cell.and we played a really weird gel game.hunter and bear or smth.stupid wes.cant think of a good game.i should be the game master.we can hav a more fun game then..hehehez..but nooooo...the great wesley matthews must torture us with that game..stupid idiots gone so tall.grr....and seb forgot my present.blurrrr..hahahaz..rainraingoawaycomeagainanotherdaybutdontbestupidandrainfortwodaysstraightthenexttimethatisjustspasticated..
Wednesday, January 21, 2004

lookkkk!!tts jesh and meee!!i cant believe she's gonna go to aus..huz gonna take neos with me???gor?other gor?they dont take neos as much..hai..
but anyway..i brought fi along to walk to balmoral to give ad his birthday prez..a piggg..i think itz cute.and ur not supposedd to squish it on the train gor!!*fumes*.u shud treasure it and uh..prize it and..uh..display it on ur uh..trophy cabinet?hahaz...wadever lar..juz bullshitting like u do.i cant believe u cant do impromtu.u so can.ur a gd enuff bullshitter.not like those double es'.ergo keith tang,marcus ng and co.hahaz..but anyway..i met neighbour.the not marcus ng barker person neighbour huz sis goes to scgs and is a drama mama too and has a collie!!hahaz..he was on his way i got him to follow last time when they hadn't banned rollerblading in the apartment.and we always bladed all arnd the place playing catch.sexist teams.hahahaz..and like duh, the girls were juz happen the guy team had guys hu were all older than like, 3 yrs.and i was the oldest among the like, wad the screwed. i was the fastest but had to wait for the rest.arghh.butbut anywayyy..the walk was supposed to take 5 took 15.coz fi walk so slow.and she pooped and pissed.tts time the stopping to smell stuff.and i cant deny my doggy anyth..hahaz..she's like my big sister!!even though im older than her..she growls at any1 hu gives me trouble..powerrr pupp!!then like, she was sooo tired by the walk.poor fluffy not so young anymore.and like, she din hav any energy to say hi to ad when we found him.after the grp of them supposedly ran off coz ike was embarassed and even had the ball and was runnin gto cainhill..dont htey know no to play with a ball while on th eside walk or near a rd?tsktsk..all tt cme and moral ed gone down the drain..hai.the generations of singaporeans..hai..oh wait.ike is american too. ah wadever..haha..too mahfan.. reminds me.adriel FUN owes me his prefect badge.ikey still hav kenn's maris stella badge.which was jesh's. then jesh told me to put it in my collection..hahaz..wad collection?i got barker, sc, maris stella, gonna get nanyang tech, considering getting a cheena high one..hahaz..itz being built!! bonkerz!
bonkers!!my brain links too much..hahaz..basketballl...ikey, y u nv ask me to come along for bball?u noe i like to play bball..and i dun care wiv long as they r not too pro..hahaz
and how can you b tired after like, less than an hr of bball?tts so embarassing!!complainign abt the weather is not valid too!u dunnoe hot until u've gone to tennis camp and played at noon!!everyday for 5 days!!
but anyway..i brought fi along to walk to balmoral to give ad his birthday prez..a piggg..i think itz cute.and ur not supposedd to squish it on the train gor!!*fumes*.u shud treasure it and uh..prize it and..uih..display it on ur uh..trophy cabinet?hahaz...wadever lar..juz bullshitting like u do.i cant believe u cant do impromtu.u so can.ur a gd enuff bullshitter.nopt like tt double e.ergo keith tang and marcus ng.
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
anyway, at least going out with jesh was fun!!we totally whacked chinese tuition..i did the sentences, and she did, she had to fill in numbers only!!how chicken feet is tt?and we both got hongbaos from laoshi!!then bucks and a silver chain..hahaz..we ended up wearing them on our wrists as bracelets..din look too bad..hahahaz..then we went to town!!and we ate at marche then took neoprints!hm.we seem to always take neoprints..hahaz..but itz after that, we looked for charm bracelets and cudnt find, oh crap.she's going to austrailia on friday.and i dun think i hav any time to find a set by then!!ahhhhhhh.........! die...*sob*
we'll find a way!!juz like i hope krish has extra tix for the mtv show!!haha..
and i hav once again realised how much training the track and field cca at tchs does..poor keng still mite hav to go for training even tough he's sick..but he had training yesterday.and prob tmr.hrmm..i dun think i could work so hard.[glad im not in tchs and in track!].unless it was tennis..haha..i can never get sick of tennis!unlike golf.sooo borinnngg!!how can benjie say golf is okay?!stupid little boy hu is now not so little.y the hell did he grow so FAST?last yr he was shorter than he's taller than me.grrr..hopefully his sis wud stay shorter than me..bad badddd benjie.growing too for him, unfiar for supposed to be taller!!im older!!3yrs older!!and now i've stopped growing..arghhhhhhhh...feel the fustration.grrr..*snap*
im having tennis later lalalalalala...hope some girls join..being the only girl ther is really weirddd.=s
Monday, January 19, 2004
i was eminded of my near fight with oscar.laoshi's stupid little son.his grandmother and laoshi had to drag him away.he wud make a rooten gangster.if laoshi wasnt in the way, i wuda whacked him up without hesitation.hahaz..darren would b proud.too bad he wasnt ther.if not he cuda gone arnd laoshi..hahahahaz!!
Sunday, January 18, 2004
sch of rock rocks!! looks weird..the guitar is good!xcept i dunnoe y thier C chord is weird.when 'ned' is teaching it to those kids at the end.queer.hahaz..
Saturday, January 17, 2004
Friday, January 16, 2004

My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
yesyes!!im into the quiz thing again!!hahaz..and im so energetiv nowww~stupid tennis..not tiring @ now im pumped up with energy.then i had to go tuition.and i left while finishing a debate abt quantum physics. which i havnt learnt yet.whoops.hahaz..but then my mom was i had to like, stand ther waiting fot 25mins..mommm..ur 25 minuted too late!!haha like tt michael learns to rock song..and summor got weird pple staring at me.some guy walks past.stares.some old men walk past.more stares.i hastily call gorgor managed to kill abt 10 mins.then he had to go.for dinner.damn.then i called biggorgor.and he's got a fren on the other line and is playing sg.with i was like, ikeyyy!!u play sg nv talk to mee!!hahaz..but then still got weird guys walking arnd and staring.weirdest are the construction workers..go in a group and split up arnd you when walking by.*shudder*..then i tried to call was conveniently guy is always doing some form of wonder so fit..hahaz..frisbee..why do u get to play FRISBEE?i wanna play frisbee!!!esp tobii baby!!tt little furball is nuts..hahaz and her new nickname is boiboi.coz she looks like a boy..haha!!not being mean..i always thot she looked like a mom actually wanted her to be called gremlin..hahaz..better than plushy anyway..too uhh..weird.hahaz..
ahhhhh...jesh is goingggg awayyyy...hope she fits in gr8 at her new sch..still all girls..dont turn les!!haha
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
hey,gorgor..i badly need help wiv my guit stuff!!im so screwed up at it!!and dont tell me to practice!!i hav no time!!!=S...and i can only play Romans 16:19.i can attempt to play everyday.but the f#m turns out funny..and i need to practice my chord doomed...but i dun wanna b doomed!!i hav to b better than u!!which actually wont b too hard..but like, i suck even mor than you do.and u practice.and i*ahem*..hehe.i noe!!i'll play stairway to heaven and play it really well b4 my bdae and win the bet!!haha!!and u cant choose stairway to heaven!!i chose it first! i have dibs!!*evil laugh*
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
which i actualy did.but she doesnt have to know that!!and i hav found that nick realllyyrealllyyyyy should not try to speak hokkien.he was blabbering abt 369.'salagaoooo..!' he yelled.all in the wrong pinying.i wanted to slit his throat.grr..
anf i got to see my report!!i can do higher physics, chem, math, uhh..did i get a higher in drama??dunnooee..standard english, art henryson siad i shudnt do IT.he was like, i think wanda should not do IT as an IB subject.and i was like:no prob!nv thot of doing it anyway..haha!!, then in chinese..laoshi said that i could do language A2.ITOK got no recommending..we HAV to do it..hai..then geog!!hrm.wad did he say?i think he said standard..history too..hahaz..i think mr willis was abit sad tt i din choose to do physics for IB.mebbe i should put tt down to make him happy..hrmm...manipulation..hrmmm wad a thought!!
and that noah person brought subway for nick today!!stupid nick..y din i think to ask some gcse person to go buy outside food for me?whyyyy??!!everything is always like, heyyy why din i think of tt first?!
ohwellz..nvm.i mite do tt nxt time.ohhh!and thank God for michelle toon!!!she is sooo nice!!help me with my english!!..and tt quote applies here too.she says a point, and im like, hey.why din i remember tt.coz like, i've learnt everyth b4.juz nv to apply or recall it.damn.whywhyyywhyyyyy?! the shit outta me...hahaz..
i had my first class in the tournament team today..ttkid jeremy has a damn pro forehand!!goes so fast..sometimes cant even see the ball!i must've missed like, 2 of his shots tt way..and bryce is in tournament team..i hope t kid issnt still a sore loser.the last time he cried coz he was so disappointed he lost..hrmm..lets see if i can remember all the names..there is a jake,an andrew,an adrian, jeremy, bryce, martin,a max..i dunnoe anybody xcept martin and bryce.arghhhh...2 little boys from allstars class.and i am the only girl..funfunfun.NOT.some of the guys were talking abt cant spell the name.i SUCK at names.anyway..they were going on abt, why isnt he here???hahaz..he has cricket ignorant pple!!hahaha..this is the abundance of info one gets when one talks to him on the bus.say one word and he goes on for like, 5 mins.itz quite funny really..blabblabblabberrr.
argh.i need to nose is getting runny.
Saturday, January 10, 2004

Congratulations! You're Haldir!
Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
haha..yess...i recently had a quiz taking obsession!!..but anyway, dex cudnt go for movies like wiv jesh n jesh was mean to him , and we started asking other pple to come..jesh called xuan, hu din get to meet us, and was planning to give him a heart attack when he sees me..dunno how an 8yr old GIRL[me] can scare the shit outta a 9yr ols BOY[hong xuan], and make it last till present day!haha..such a loser tt hx..then we ate mickey d's!! yummyy..and gave some fries to kind the us are.haha!!
then the drama auditions at church.and the monologue went smth like-
a:im so bored
b:y did we hav to go tp the park, we hav been here a million gazillion times already!
a: it was ur idea..[blahblahcantremember]
b:oi, xcuse me mr/ms fussy, i always ask u where u wanna go, and u hav no idea, then when we get ther, u are full of complaints!
a:yeahyeah..(picks at nails)hey, i feel like having icecream.can u go to the mama shop and get me some?i want the strawberry flavoured cornetto one!
b:am i ur servant?go get it urself!! went smth like so sick of it..every1 had the same script.n we watched it abt..10 times?and then we had to do an impromtu advertising thing..lipstick, cosmetic brush, chair, whiteboard duster, make up pouch-like thing..hahaz..i got to do the cosmetic brush!!not only is it so shiny tt u can see ur reflection innit, u can use it to apply blush, AND hav a quick gro plant ready in ur hand bag for decoration when needed!!compact and small!get urs NOWWW!!!
how corny can it get?haha..wesley was made a girl by clement!!he called wes MISS fussy!!!haha..and then we teased wes abt tt for like, the rest if the audition..hehez..
then later i went to the movies wiv jeshhh!!and mikey came along!he treated us too..paycheck!it is a watchable movie..haha.not too bad..i make a bad movie critic dont i?but i was petrified tt i would see my sch wuda been too weird..*shudders* and they hang arnd cine!!which is bad coz i WAS at cine!!and gorgor got a new sling bag ther b4 i came and then jesh came..hahahaz..and on the lift up b4 i foung mike, ther were these 3 pple on the lift, 2 girls and their little bro..and coz the lil bro bumped me, he big sis was like, hey, dont hump her!and then i laughed and said she was evil to him..and she was like, tts okay!he's my son! and i gave her a skeptical look, then she laughed and said she was kidding..i think they were from the american sch.hrm..but i saw them agin later and we said hi..
i caught a ride wiv mike when we were to go home..jesh left earlier..she had to choose bras wiv her mom..but not b4 we took neos!which turned out horrible!and poor keng had to study for math, physics, bio, chem and chinese tests..oh well..he wudnt believe me when i told him tt he only needed to study for chinese.and then he said tt we were on diff frequencies coz for him cheena was the thing he DIN hav to study for..oh well..actually, i usually din study for cheena too.juz collaberated wiv jesh and then mai tou ku du before the test..and i PASS.ha!so ther keng!! but anywayyyy..i juz found out for the billionth time tt hotels r the best place to get a cab!!unforunatly the cab driver thot tt i was mikey's gf..but he's my GOR.not my BF.geez..every1 is being like big in adriel..hahaz
Friday, January 09, 2004
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him...'Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!' He went insane. --Steven Wiright
and here are some words of wisdom tt is quite stupid coz they r LAST words of wisdom..hehez
They couldn't hit an elephant at this dista- Commander John Sedwick
Don't turn it on yet, it's not quite ready.
Quick, they'll never find us if we hide here.
Don't worry, it's not used any more.
Step back a bit, I can't get you in the picture.
So they finally fixed this elevator yesterday?
Listen, i'm taking a course in chemistry, I know what i'm doing.
Yes of course the elastic is strong enough.
It's ok so long as you stay down-wind.
C'mon ya wimps, one more beer, it's open ocean out there, what're we gonna hit?" --Captain Hazelwood, Exxon Valdez
Luke, I lied. Bill Shatner is your real father. --Darth Vader
And now that I'm running my life support equipment through Windows 2000, I'll never have to worry about -- beeeeeeeep...
I eat guys like you for breakfast! --Jeffrey Dahmer
How's he gonna read that magazine rolled up like that? -- Droso Filia
No, dude, this stuff is completely natural and safe, man. That's why it's called 'herbal.'
Trust me.
............i think the last is the worst one..dont u? lets look at interesting quotes from JRR Tolkien!!
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

cooollll thing..go take!i found it at jesh's site!!
and summor..hahathis is funny:

I'm getting there. I don't suck, but I've got a ways to go. this one was sick..but like, im still quizzes r getting stupider and stupiderr!!but like my fren so gladly tells me, i can get cheap thrills easy..haha

Wednesday, January 07, 2004
true or not?that is the qn!hahaz..chinese is the fun class!!free period!coz all the igcse pple r having their mocks.which i guess is the equivilant of prelims in local wonder they all seem kinda weirded out..makantaiyi is all like:exams r GAYYY.but then me xams r relaxing.coz like, i CANT study at home.i study going to sch!!hahaz..psle slack, nv sudy, got 244.all A.A* for math..i was amazed i got A in cheena then in sec1 flunk.sec2 too.i passed the midyr xam in sec3!!*jumpsupanddowninglee*
aw man..shipai..i got 9 damned msgs on my hp suddenly!is the reception here so bad tt i din get my msgs till wayyy later?urgh..aiyo..keng..y u sleep so early?my regular bedtime is like, 1am or so..depending on who im talking to or wad im doing.itz refreshing getting juz an hr of sleep..u feel wideeee awake..hahaz..tried tested proven!!..which reminds me..............................signed sealed delivered, im yours! blue crazy again!!
smth amusing: sen wan fell aslp during chinese.and snot oozed outta his nose.and he wiped his nose and then wiped his hand across his ears.and the snot got on his right ear.*loud ewwww* and so every1 was laughing at tt!i was asking laoshi to help me do tt weird chinese crossword puzzle in the i boinged back and i laughed too.quite hard!haha..poor senwan is soo geeky! he was saved by misrab..who motioned to his own ear while directing sw to where the snot was.but like, his ear was hidden by his like, not working man..! come all the girls in fib cannot tah han the sun?like, the sun is good for u?helps ur skin produce vitamin d?or issit b?wadever.but like the worst is u get skin cancer..but u cant get skin cancer from less than half an hr in the sun shooting hoops!!damn vainity and laziness!wadz wrong wiv getting tan too..?hai..anyway, im gonna get my share of sun during tennis.i bacame chaota from tennis at sicc.and now at ame club im in the tournament team.which might or moght not make it worse.oh..thought juz struck!im gonna get damn chaota!!nooo..not again.....
Tuesday, January 06, 2004
i recently got the doggys back from the groomers at pet holland v. i saw some poo shirts..carrying violin? cases.and fi and tobii was having fun playing arnd in the store.this little girl had a chihuahua hu had a miscarriage..poor lil cut..i let her sit on my lap n she din wanna get off..oh well..hahaz..then there were those minature tiny!!and SKINNY!!hahazz..i met this cute black n white shitzu wiv an eye not surprised it got tt.ya noe..looking at how all the dogs are well kept but the keepers seem to forget to clean the eyes..for some of the pups..
tmr nite 7-10pm ther is a shitzu conventio ther.too bad i hav tuition..grr..bad mr lum!!he SUCKS.i wanna quit.he goes damn slow too..grrr..wad an idiot..are ther ANY proper tutors arnd?!*fumes*
Sunday, January 04, 2004
Hey I've been watching you
Every little thing you do
Every time I see you pass
In my homeroom class, makes my heart beat fast
I've tried to page you twice
But I see you roll your eyes
Wish I could make it real
But your lips are sealed, that ain't no big deal
'Cause I know you really want me
I hear your friends talk about me
So why you tryin' to do without me
When you got me
Where you want me
(Hey Juliet)
I think you're fine
You really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just want you to know
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey Juliet
Girl you got me on my knees
Beggin' please, baby please
Got my best DJ on the radiowaves saying
Hey Juliet, why do you do him this way
Too far to turn around
So I'm gonna stand my ground
Gimme just a little bit of hope
With a smile or a glance, gimme one more chance
'Cause I know you really want me
I hear your friends talk about me
So why you tryin' to do without me
When you got me
Where you want me
Hey Juliet
I think you're fine
You really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just want you to know
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey Juliet
I know you really want me
I hear your friends talk about me
So why you tryin' to do without me
When you got me
Where you want me
You don't have to say forever
For us to hang together
So hear me when I say
Hey Juliet juz damn crazy over this lmnt.y dun u dnld it?it me.warning.i sometimes hav reallly weird music taste.for eg: Devil went down to who??erer..some1 hu can play a fiddle quite well.hehez..
afterthought---- ouch.
yells~ what hit me?! .........ahhhh..sch is starting!! man tt hurts!
.: this is what is known as a lame crazy internal arguement:.
Saturday, January 03, 2004
scgs,singapore chinese girls school, found pple, talk to pple.found out im still in south-central cell instead of north-west cell for dunnoe wad reason, coz like, technically, now im in the north-west zone.weirddd.well, at least i wont hav to argue wiv desmond every single cell guy can crap like a shit making machine!! then, i went to:
gmss,ghim moh secondary school, renet's old sch,jon chua's sch.cindy's sch.cindy hu used to go to the same tuition as me and i conveniently forgot her face n she said hi!!!..and i was like, ahhh!!sowwie!forgot ur name!!..then renet accused me of lying when i said i dunnoe anyone from tt, except jon.but like, i din noe she went to tt sch!..well..i did.but i forgot.ahh..oops i did it again?? yea i did.when i went to:
tchs, the chinese high school.i cant believe i went ther.the stupid things i do.hai.was supposed to go at 5.45.but i went at 2.coz renet wanna meet her bf.dennis.who i find realllyy different from cq.veryyy!!haha..cq was ecstatic when renet came.coz it was supposed to b me going and getting her prez and mebbe play some bball..hahaz..i saw alex..then i saw some kid hu i think was from a tennis class last time..and tt little peiyan person hu cq hates so much and i happily deflated the last time i met him.the last and first.haha!he gave renet and i a weird as weird as the look seb wuda given me!!..i'd prob nv hear the end of it if he found out i went to his sch..hahaz..ah shit.what if alex blurts out smth.greattt.n alex is serving tmr.and seb is on the music ministry.and they wud both b ther at church early.therefore they wud talk.uh oh.seb was totally like:dun noe any cheena hi guys!!!...ahhh wadever.itz all in the fun.or not.
anyway..was actually supposed to crash acjc wiv jesh.but her mom wudnt let her go out..and then i wanted to crash acs b for the fun of it and give some pple a heart tt murder?hm.but anyway,the sch crashing 'phase' was over, n so the trio of dennis,renet and i went to orchard!!and i managed to get them to take neoprints wiv me!!yayyy..
see me walk to neoprints addicts anonymous and exclaim: i am a neoprint addict!........but,i dun wanna b cured of my addiction!!
hahahaz..lame.i noe.n i dun really mind.but tts abt u?
anyway..i met renet's mom nd bro..the one which is supposedly nonexistant in the class list of acs b sec1 generation 2004.oh no..poor ryan is a ghost.would renet kill me if i exorcise him?thinkso..better not..haha..
kae..i got this joke 4 today..
Perfect Woman/Man
>>>>>Once upon a time, a perfect man and a perfect woman met.
After a perfect courtship, they had a perfect wedding.
Their life together was, of course, perfect.
One snowy, stormy Christmas Eve, this perfect couple was driving in their perfect car along a winding road, when they noticed someone at the side of the road in distress. Being the perfect couple, they stopped to help.There stood Santa Claus with a huge bundle of toys. Not wanting to disappoint any children on the eve of Christmas, the perfect couple loaded Santa and his toys into their vehicle. Soon they were driving along delivering the toys.
Unfortunately, the driving conditions deteriorated and the perfect couple; and Santa Claus had an accident. Only one of them survived the accident.
>>>>>Question: Who was the survivor?
>>>>>Scroll down for the answer. Trust me, it's worth it)
>>>>>The perfect woman survived. She's the only one who really
>>>>>existed in the first place. Everyone knows there is no Santa Claus and
>>>>>there is no such thing as a perfect man.
>>>>>**** Women stop reading here, that is the end of the joke.
>>>>>**** Men keep scrolling.
>>>>>So, if there is no perfect man and no Santa Claus, the woman
>>>>>must have been driving. This explains why there was a car accident.
>>>>>By the way, if you're a woman and you're still reading, this
>>>>>illustrates another point: Women never listen.